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Editor’s Pick

Stepper Motors | Types, Parameters, and Characteristics

Stepper Motor Stepper motors convert electrical pulses received by their excitation (control) windings into discrete angular displacements-commonly called as steps.…

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Types of Controller | I, D, PD, P, PI, PID Control

Introduction A controller is like the boss of a control system. It's responsible for keeping everything running smoothly. Think of…

Piezoresistive | Construction, Working, Advantages, and Application
Norton,s Theorem
Norton’s Theorem
  • June 5, 2023
B.Tech – Electrical Engineering Previous Year Question Papers Download

B.Tech 2nd Semester 2023 PapersDownload B.Tech Electrical Engineering 3rd Semester 2021 PapersDownload B.Tech Electrical Engineering 3rd Semester Feb-2022 PapersDownload BTech…

Circuit Theorem | Thevenin's Theorem

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Solar Cookers | Working Principle, Construction, and Applications

Solar Cookers Solar cookers are devices that use sunlight to cook food. They come in…

SCR | Silicon Controlled Rectifier

SCR Definition SCR is a four layer 3 terminal PNPN OR NPNP device it combine…

Reactive Power Control | Requirement, Sources, and Transients

Introduction The converters in conventional HVDC power stations are line-commutated, which implies that the current…