Introduction to Demand Forecasting

Demand forecasting predicts future demand for goods or services based on past events and current trends.

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Meaning of Demand Forecasting

Demand forecasting, as defined by Cundiff and Still, estimates demand tied to marketing plans and uncontrollable forces.

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Definition and Significance

Accurate demand forecasting is fundamental for producing the right quantities, planning investments and aiding government policies

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Features of Demand Forecasting

1. It also guides decisions about advertising and sales campaigns. 2. It helps in planning for the right kind of skilled workers. 3. It’s essential for planning how much to produce.

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Usefulness of Forecasting

(1) To Produce the Required Quantity (2) To Assess Probable Demand (3) Investment and Employment (4) Team Work (5) Help to the Government

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Purpose of Demand Forecasting

Short-term Forecasting (Purpose):  – Shapes advertising and promotion strategies. – Forecasts short-term financial needs. – Assists in controlling costs related to raw materials and inventory.

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-develop a strategy to produce goods that align with changing societal needs. – Anticipates future manpower needs, especially as production techniques evolve. – Assesses long-term financial requirements, crucial for raising funds.

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Long-term Forecasting (Purpose):

Steps in Demand Forecasting

(1) Identification of Objective (2) Determining the Nature of Goods (3) Selection of Proper Method (4) Interpretation of Results

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Determining Scope of Demand Forecasting

1. Period of Forecast 2. Levels of Forecasting 3. General Purpose or Specific Purpose Forecasts 4. Type of Commodity for Forecasting 5. Inclusion of Miscellaneous Factors

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Methods of Demand Forecasting

1. Statistical Methods. 2. Experts’ Opinion Method 3. Opinion Polling Methods 4. Methods of Demand Forecasting

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Criteria of a Good Forecasting Method

1. Timeliness 2. Availability 3. Economy 4. Simplicity 5. Accuracy

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