
Renewable energy is energy derived from natural sources that are replenished at a higher rate than they are consumed.

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Types of energy

1. Wind Energy 2. Hydroelectric Energy 3. Solar Energy 4. Geothermal Energy 5. Biomass Energy

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Winds are produced by the sun’s uneven heating of the atmosphere.

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1. Wind Energy:

Hydroelectric Energy

Hydropower represents 19% of total electricity production.

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Solar Energy

Harnessing energy from the sun to perform some task is called star energy. We can use solar energy to heat water or homes

Geothermal Energy

Geothermal energy is the heat energy that is stored beneath the Earth’s surface.

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Biomass Energy

Biomass energy includes a broad range of fuels including wood and other plant material.

Ocean Energy

Ocean energy can be harnessed in three ways: (i) Tidal energy (ii) Wave energy (iii) Ocean thermal energy conversion (OTEC)

Advantages of Renewable energy 

1. Renewable sources of energy are renewable and easily regenerated. 2. Renewable sources of energy boost economic growth and increase job opportunities.

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1. Difficult to produce the energy quantity that is equivalent to that produced by non-renewable fuels. 2. Technology required to trap renewable energy is costly.

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