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Difference between Microprocessor & Microcontroller

Sr. No.MicroprocessorMicrocontroller
1.A microprocessor is a general purpose device which is called CPU.A microcontroller is a single chip which is also called single chip computer.
2.It is flexible in design.It is less flexible in design.
3.In these, the clock rate is fast.In these, the clock slow.
4.It is very costly.It is less costly as compared to microprocessor.
5.A microprocessor has zero status flag.A microcontroller has no zero flag.
6.It is large system in size.It is small system in size.
7.It has single memory chip for data and code.It has separate memory for data and code.
8.It has one or two bit handling instuctions.It has many bit handling instructions.
9.These system is required more hardware.Less hardware is required for this system.
10.Do not have inbuilt RAM or ROMInbuilt RAM or ROM.
11.Input output ports are available.Input output ports are not available, requires extra device like 8155 or 8255.

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Er. Sourabh Deol

Sourabh Deol is a multifaceted professional with expertise in electrical engineering, thumbnail design, blogging, and content writing. He is dedicated to simplifying complex engineering concepts, making them accessible and understandable for a broad audience.

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