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Editor’s Pick

Stepper Motors | Types, Parameters, and Characteristics

Stepper Motor Stepper motors convert electrical pulses received by their excitation (control) windings into discrete angular displacements-commonly called as steps.…

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Types of Controller | I, D, PD, P, PI, PID Control

Introduction A controller is like the boss of a control system. It's responsible for keeping everything running smoothly. Think of…

Piezoresistive | Construction, Working, Advantages, and Application
Norton,s Theorem
Norton’s Theorem
  • June 5, 2023
B.Tech – Electrical Engineering Previous Year Question Papers Download

B.Tech 2nd Semester 2023 PapersDownload B.Tech Electrical Engineering 3rd Semester 2021 PapersDownload B.Tech Electrical Engineering 3rd Semester Feb-2022 PapersDownload BTech…

Circuit Theorem | Thevenin's Theorem

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Switched-Reluctance Motor Drives | Principle and Modes of Operation
Stepper Motors | Types, Parameters, and Characteristics

Stepper Motor Stepper motors convert electrical pulses received by their excitation (control) windings into discrete…

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Switched-Reluctance Motor Drives | Principle and Modes of Operation
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Buchholz Relay | Construction and Working Principle

Buchholz Relay For a protection of transformer Buchholz relay in transformer is mounted on the…

Nuclear Power Plant | Working | Advantages & Disadvantages

Nuclear Power Plant The power station in which nuclear energy is converted into electrical energy…

Single Phase Induction Type Energy Meter

Single Phase Induction Type Energy Meter Single phase energy meter are used for measurement for electrical…

Explain Structure of Prokaryotic & Eukaryotic cell

Prokaryotic Cell Prokaryotic cells are single-celled microorganisms known to be the earliest on earth. Prokaryotes…

Division of Labour | Main Forms, Advantages, and Favourable Conditions

Introduction Adam Smith came up with the idea that people should do what they're best…

Cathode Ray Oscilloscope (CRO) Construction & Working Principle

Introduction of Cathode Ray Oscilloscope CRO stands for Cathode Ray Oscilloscope. It is very useful…