Linear Applications of Op-Amp
Linear Applications of Op-Amp

A linear amplifier like an op amp has many different applications. It can make weak signals stronger and is great at handling electrical tasks. Its unique features make it a…

Electrical Cable | Introduction, Definition, and Types
Electrical Cable | Components, Types and Application

Introduction Electrical cables are like electric highways that carry power or signals from one place to another. They're used for sending things like voice messages, computer data, and images through…

Distribution Systems | Classification, Types, and Challenges
Distribution Systems | Classification and Challenges

Introduction The distribution systems is like the delivery system for electricity in a local area. It's the electrical setup between the substation (getting power from the main transmission) and the…

Two Port Network | Introduction, Example, and Parameters
Two Port Network | Introduction, Example, and Parameters

Introduction Two-port networks simplify complex electrical circuits. They represent components like transmission lines and transformers, as well as electronic ones like transistors. This overview explains two-port network parameters, how to…

Transmission Line | Introduction, Classification, and Modelling
Transmission Line | Introduction, Classification, and Modelling

Introduction A transmission line is like a power highway for electricity to travel from a power plant to faraway places where people use it. It's made of special wires called…

Laplace Transform | Circuit Analysis, Use, and Applications
Laplace Transform | Circuit Analysis, Use, and Applications

Introduction Circuit analysis is crucial in electrical engineering for designing circuits. The Laplace transform, created by Pierre-Simon Laplace in the late 18th century, is a helpful math tool. It simplifies…

Compensation Theorem | Introduction, Need, and Advantages
Compensation Theorem | Introduction, Need, and Advantages

Introduction To understand the compensation theorem let's, imagine you have a network or circuit with different parts (branches) connected to it. When something changes, like the resistance in one of…

Feedback Amplifier | Types, Properties, and Topologies
Feedback Amplifier | Types, Properties, and Topologies

Introduction A feedback amplifier is like a loop where the output connects back to the input. It's called "feedback" because the output signal feeds back into the input. This setup…

Maximum Power Transfer Theorem | Formula, Proof, and, Limitations
Maximum Power Transfer Theorem | Formula, Proof, and, Limitations

Introduction In both DC and AC circuits, when you have a power source (like a battery or generator) connected to something that uses that power (like a lightbulb or a…

Environmental Pollution | Types, Causes, and Effects
Environmental Pollution | Types, Causes, and Effects

When things around us change in a bad way and start harming plants and animals, that's called environmental pollution. A pollutant is something that causes this pollution, and it can…